UAB-CIE Sphere centres offering 31 research positions

The European project P-SPHERE is offering 31 research positions in various fields related to food, health, smart and sustainable cities, cultural heritage, materials and energy, such as computer vision, Big Data, nanoscience and nanotechnology.


The European project P-SPHERE, coordinated by the UAB and involving UAB-CIE centres, is funded by the Marie S. Curie Programme of the European Commission and is the only funded COFUND POST-DOCTORAL project in the whole of Spain.

There are two calls, focusing on interdisciplinary research linked to the strategic challenges of the HORIZON 2020 programme, and on mobility, with the researchers undertaking stays at institutions, companies and technology centres.

The first call offers 31 research positions. It was made last November, and the period for submitting applications ends on 2 February. The second call will be made in autumn of academic year 2016/2017, to recruit 17 more researchers.

In total, 48 post-doctoral contracts of 3 years' duration are to be awarded, for conducting research at the UAB-CIE Sphere, the excellence-driven cluster centred on the UAB campus, with overall funding of €10,470,240. The European Commission provides 49% of this amount: €5,097,600, and the UAB-CIE Sphere contributes the other 51%: €5,372,640.

Post-doctoral researchers will be able to propose their own projects based on the lines of research of one of the participating centres.

The programme is based on five multidisciplinary research domains: food, health, smart and sustainable cities, cultural heritage and materials and energy; and eleven specific research areas: computer vision, artificial intelligence, big data applied to the food sector, food safety and biotechnology, marine ecosystems, micro/nanotechnologies, nanoscience and nanotechnology, high energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology, health, mediaeval and religious studies and social innovation.

The following centres are participating in the project: the Computer Vision Centre (CVC), the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the Institute of High Energy Physics (IFAE), the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona-National Centre for Microelectronics (IMB-CNM-CSIC), and the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).

The P-SPHERE project is funded by the COFUND 2014 programme of the European Commission and it applies the international mobility requirement of the Marie S. Curie programme: applicants must not have resided or conducted their principal activity in Spain for over 12 months in the 3 years immediately preceding the closing date of the call.

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