UAB celebrates its Festa Major on 6 November

Once again, the UAB will be celebrating its Festa Major on 6 November. Several cultural and ludic activities will be offered from noon until 10 pm at the Plaça Cívica and the Plaça del Coneixement. The opening speech this year will be given by the social association fighting to close immigration detention centres, the "Plataforma Tanquem els Centres d'Internament per a Estrangers".


On Thursday 6 November, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will be celebrating its Festa Major and the campus will be filled with activities from 12 noon until 10 pm. The activities will take place at the Plaça Cívica and the Rambla Nord (between the faculties of Philosophy and Arts and Education).

The Festa Major will officially begin at noon at the Plaça Cívica with an opening speech by the Plataforma Tanquem els Centres d'Internament per a Estrangers. There will also be the Societies and Associations Fair and a stage for concerts and dance performances, as well as performances by the UAB human towers group, the Ganàpies, and the Colla de Bastoners dancers. It will also be open day at the Entities building and Resources Centre scenic area, where activities will be held.

At the Plaça del Coneixement (Rambla Nord), in addition to the stands run by the students, there will be two "Autònoma Actua" stages where music bands from the university will be performing. Here there will also be an information point, the "Xiringu de salut", from the UAB Fundació Autònoma Solidària to talk about issues such as sexuality and drug use.

Other activities include open days at the Physical Activities Service from 7:30 am to 4 pm, and a film preview from the Verdi cinema at 1 pm at the Cinema Hall.