Imagine Express returns in 2016

Imagine Express 2016
Imagine Express 2016, supported by the UAB, has the aim of promoting talented young entrepreneurs. The contestants have to develop a mobile application for one of these fields: health, water, FinTech or the internet of things (IOT). The deadline for signing up is 20 January.


The international contest Imagine Express 2016 is here: a 4-day hackathon held on board a train travelling between Barcelona, Paris and London. The contest, to be held from 19 to 22 February, aims to discover and promote talented new entrepreneurs in the mobile phone sector.

Over these four days the contestants are grouped in teams of three to develop a mobile application for the field of health, water, FinTech or IOT. The contest organisers will pick up to 36 contestants with different backgrounds: 12 from computer engineering, 12 creatives and 12 from business administration.

The ideas/projects are presented in London and the best team in each sector will get funding and mentoring to develop their project. During the trip back to Barcelona, the winning projects will be turned into company start-ups and, once in Barcelona, the entrepreneurs will present their projects in the Mobile World Congress and the projects will be housed in incubators.

This contest is organised by the Imagine Creativity Center, based in San Francisco, in collaboration with Barcelona Mobile Capital, and it is supported by the Board of Trustees of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, through the UAB-Emprèn Programme.

The period for signing up for Imagine Express 2016 ends on 20 January. Entrants from the UAB should put “code:UAB-Emprèn” in the “origin of contest” field in the web entry form. They should also send an email to, in order to get advice from UAB-Emprèn.

Participation in this contest is free of charge and the travel and accommodation costs are covered.