"I'm really looking forward to studying hereditary diseases and cancer"

Carla Coll: 'Estudiar les malalties hereditàries i el càncer em motiva molt'
Carla Coll will take Genetics next year. She has joined the UAB with the highest access mark of all its applicants. She is very keen to study hereditary diseases and cancer. Next year she intends to concentrate on her studies, and if she has any time left over, she would like to combine this with gym or climbing at the Physical Activity Service (SAF).


"In future I'd like to be a lecturer in Genetics; I love explaining things, but I don't rule out working in research".

At school, Carla combined her studies with indoor football. The girls' team she played in even won the Catalan championship. Now, as a student of Genetics at the UAB, she still wants to do a sport at the Physical Activity Service (SAF). While she is on campus she hopes to combine her lectures with the gym or climbing, something she has always enjoyed, though she knows how demanding a course like Genetics can be.

1. What's your impression of the UAB and its campus?
I love it. Perhaps it's because I'm from a small town and I don't like the city. It's great that all the faculties are together in one place because that way you can get to know a lot of people with all sorts of interests. Everything is within easy reach as well. And it's in natural surroundings, with a lot of greenery.

2. Why did you choose to study Genetics?
When I was younger I wanted to do Veterinary Medicine but in our last school year we had Genetics as a subject and I made up my mind to do that. It's a course with a lot of opportunities for the future too.

3. What made you change your mind?
I've got relatives who have had cancer and I've always thought it would be really interesting to find out what causes it. I'd always been very interested in learning all about hereditary illnesses as well. Now, by taking Genetics I'm excited about having the chance to study some of this. The subjects I'm most interested in are Histology and Cell Biology. I want to learn all about the cell, mutations and everything in that field. I also like Animal Biology and Plant Biology.

4. And what kind of career would you like to take up later on?
Well, I like doing research and laboratory work but maybe I'd rather get into teaching Genetics at university. I like explaining things so I can see myself more as a teacher in future, though I don't rule out research work either. We'll see.

5. Would you like to do anything else besides studying next year?
Yes I would, yes. If I have time I'd like to learn to play the Spanish guitar. A friend of mine is an expert on it and we've arranged for him to give me lessons. I've always played sports too – indoor football – so I'd like to take up a sport. If I can I'll join the SAF and go to the gym or do some climbing, I don't know, I'll have to combine it with my timetables for lectures and practicals. Let's hope I can fit everything in.

6. Would you consider going away to study for a time?
I don't really know. We'll see. I've just come back from London, after two and a half months. I went to visit a friend but I got a job there straight away as a waitress so I stayed for a bit longer. It was quite an experience. I got a lot out of it.

7. Your English must have improved.
Well, a little, but I already had quite a good level. I've got the CAE, though I'm not so good at speaking. I've been learning English since I was a kid so that must be why I've got this level. Though the restaurant where I was working was typically Spanish! I've learnt a lot during this time in London, working from six in the evening to two in the morning, more or less, every day. Apart from anything else I've learnt to carry loads of dishes back and to without dropping any, which isn't easy by any means.