"I came to study something that fascinates me and later I'll decide what I want to work on"

Gabriel Grau: De petit jugava amb una calculadora
GABRIEL GARAU (Physics+Mathematics) Gabriel comes from Cala Ratjada in Mallorca and enters the UAB with the highest score among all those enrolling in scientific degrees, a 13.634 over 14.


He graduated from the secondary school centre IES Llorenç Garcías i Font in Artà, Mallorca. He started playing football when he was very young and continues to practice the sport at least three times a week. He plays the position of goalkeeper and intends to keep playing while studying at the UAB. Gabriel will be living at the Vila Universitària.

-Why did you choose to come to the UAB?
When somebody from the UAB came to give a talk at my school I found out about this double degree, and it sounded really interesting. I know there are other universities offering it, but I liked the UAB because of its campus and the natural surroundings, and many people have told me how good the university is. And, since I like football and I know the university has a team, that also motivated me.
-You chose to study Physics+ Mathematics. For what reasons?
I've always liked maths, even when I was little. I would spend hours playing with calculators, creating and solving equations. When we started physics in school a few years ago I noticed it was basically a type of applied maths, solving problems, formulas, etc. And that is something that fascinates me and that I love to do. That's why I chose this degree.
How do you imagine your professional future?

I have doubts about my professional future. I'm not really sure what I am going to do professionally. I don't see myself teaching, but maybe I wouldn't mind going into research. I suppose that during my studies I'll finally decide if I want to work with meteorology, astronomy or other branches of physics. I like all of these fields, but I'm not sure which one I will choose professionally. Now I just want to study physics and maths, which are the things I like, and we will see later on.
-What do you await from your experience at university?
I would like to learn new things and meet people, make good friends. My studies come first, and then if I can have a good time at university, then all the better. What I do know is that I am definitely joining the university's football team!