Good participation at the first meeting for the FM14

1a Trobada Festa Major UAB 2014
On 6 October the first meeting with members of the university community to give information, listen to proposals and clear up doubts about the FM14 took place.


The Plaça Cívica and the Rambla Nord will be the main spaces of the FM14

More than 60 people, including students and administrative and service staff, participated in this first meeting for the UAB Festa Major 2014 (FM14). In this first meeting, the technical team and the organisers explained the main forms of participation at the FM and the changes for this year and they listened to the proposals of the people attending.
During the meeting the schedule for the FM14 was decided, which will be from 12 pm to 10 pm. This timetable will guarantee a right and safe evacuation of the thousands of people attending the party.
The Festa Major will have two main spaces for participation: the Plaça Cívica with the Societies and Associations Fair and the Rambla Nord with the stands of students and music performances. Students and student societies who want to make proposals for the programming of leisure and cultural activities and for the Societies and Associations Fair can send an email to: Furthermore, students who want to manage a stand during the Festa Major have time until 15 October to make their application. Finally, those who want to make a performance of music, theatre or dance can apply to participate in the programme Autònoma Actua until 20 October.

Environmental aspectswill be again an essential issue in the functioning of the Festa Major. The organisation wants to place special emphasis on the importance of the environmental programme since the collaboration of students is fundamental for the right implementation of the proposed services. Reusable glasses will be again one of the main services for the integration and consideration of environmental aspects in the management of the party.