Food-trucks at the Health and Sustainability Week

All UAB community members are invited to participate in the 7th Health and Sustainability Week (4-8 April), with activities such as healthy walks, cooking workshops, laughter therapy and food waste sessions, conferences on mindfulness and self-awareness, etc. to promote activities that encourage healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits.


Last year over 2000 people participated. This year marks the seventh edition of UAB's Health and Sustainability Week.

Acquiring healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits is at the centre of the activities which will be offered during the UAB Health and Sustainability Week. The more than 50 activities organised can be consulted here.

Already before the week starts, from 29 March to 1 April, there will be an itinerant exhibit on the UAB's H&S Campus, which will offer a sample of the actions and activities taking place on campus throughout the year. The Sabadell Campus will offer an activity related to exercise in the workplace ("Activa't i mou-te a la feina"), which later will also be carried out at the faculties of Medicine, Science, Philosophy and Arts, Translation, and Economics, as well as at the Rectorat building. A wheelchair basketball match will be held between Global Bàsquet UAB and UNES FCB on Saturday in Sabadell.

UAB restaurants will offer dishes from around the Mediterranean and the Physical Activity Service will be open to the public all week long. Tuesday there will also be a lunch to raise awareness against food waste at the Plaça Cívica.

Health Conferences
Informational sessions and conferences on health-related issues will also be offered.

Música, cervell, ment i individu (Music, Brain, Mind and the Individual) is a subject Antoni Bulbena will speak about on 4 April at 12:30 p.m. at the Faculty of Psychology. At the Faculty of Education, Ramon Lozano will offer a relaxation workshop on Monday and Wednesday at 2 p.m.

“Cuina amb tupper” (Tupperware Cooking) will be offered by Jean Claude Aranega, lecturer of the University School of Tourism and Hotel Management, on Monday from 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. at the Faculty of Science. Mr Aranega will explain which products are best for this type of cooking and how to make the most out of resources. He will also speak on the Japanese bento philosophy, give tips on how to prepare tupperware meals and how to avoid food poisoning. He will also share recipes using leftovers and how to make tasty and healthy sandwiches.

The Faculty of Economics and Business will host a conference on how the brain functions, by Roser Nadal on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Margarita Martí will speak on how caloric restriction improves memory during ageing at the Àgora building at 12:30 p.m. Sessions on eye straining and eye relaxation techniques will be offered at the ICE on Tuesday and Wednesday. "El cervell dinàmic corre per canviar el cervell" (The Dynamic Brain Runs to Change the Brain) will be a conference offered by David Costa on Wednesday.

Mindfulness and how this can train the brain to be healthy, beautiful, ethical and happy is a talk that Andrés Martin Asuero will be giving on Tuesday from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. The conference will cover the benefits in levels of personal well-being and social relations by improving attention span, stress management and self-esteem.
Borja Vilaseca, expert in the subject of self-awareness, personal responsibility, leader in values and organisational development will give a conference entitled “Encantat de conèixer-me: breu introducció a l’autoconeixement mitjançant l’Eneagrama” (Nice to Meet Me: a brief introduction to self-awareness through the Enneagram) on Thursday in the conference hall of the Rectorat building.
There will be workshops covering laughter therapy, vision and diet, smoking, allergens in food and labelling and talks on first aid service teams and how to use a fire extinguisher.

The majority of activities will be held on the central day of the Health and Sustainability Week, Thursday 7 April. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. several food-trucks selling healthy and sustainable food will be placed at the central axis, between the Plaça Cívica and the bridge at Building B.

The H&S Campus Fair will also be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will offer different activities such as a treasure hunt about food and workshops on food waste, human towers, swing, rugby and inclusive basketball.

At 1:20 p.m. the Vice Rector for Institutional Relations and Environment Manel Sabés will welcome all attendants and give way to the healthy, sustainable and solidarity hug performance, right before the start of the popular walk and race (5.5 km).

On Thursday there will also be a paddle tennis tournament at the Physical Activity Service (SAF) from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., as well as a cyclingSAF master class at 2:30 p.m. at the Plaça Cívica.
The UAB thereby consolidates the celebration of a week dedicated to promoting activities amongst the university community which favour acquiring healthy, sustainable habits. Last year over 2000 people participated in the activities. This year marks the seventh edition of UAB's Health and Sustainability Week.