Fifth edition of TICLaude under way

Within its UAB-Empren Programme, the Faculty of Communication Studies has organised a new edition of TICLaude, an initiative aimed at all UAB students interested in taking on an entrepreneurship project. Students can register until 7 February.


TicLaude offers training based on 20 face-to-face classes, assistance with legal and other formalities, psychological support and coaching, and personal tutoring online. These make up around 80 hours of tuition, in addition to the students' own work. TicLaude does not offer credits, but does provide a diploma with the number of training hours.

This initiative is aimed at all students and former students of the UAB, whether on undergraduate, graduate or PhD courses, who are interested in taking on an entrepreneurship project. The course timetable is Mondays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., from 8 February to June. Classes will be in the Faculty of Communication Studies. Click on this link for the course content and calendar.

Students can enrol until 7 February. This can be done on the TICLaude website or on the free "TICLaude UAB" app that can be obtained in the Apple and Android stores. Please note that there is a limited number of places.

Over 100 students took part in the four previous editions of the course, presenting 60 projects and setting up 8 companies, of which 6 are now operating and the others at the preparation stage. Three projects in the last three editions obtained the UAB Research Park prize: a space in the Eureka Building to work on developing the initial idea, and this latest edition will offer the same opportunity.