Exhibition "Finestres" by the artist Àngels Font Guiteras at the Espai Nord of the Faculty of Sciences and Biosciences


Artist Àngels Font Guiteras presents his exhibition "Finestres", a collection that captures moments of serenity and details of nature through unique artistic techniques.


Àngels Font Guiteras, graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, offers a distinctive look through her exhibition "Finestres". With art courses at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios Isla in Sabadell and at the Ateneo in Cerdanyola del Vallès, the artist presents a fusion of natural and everyday elements that invite contemplation.

"Finestres" captures the essence of nature and everyday life, inviting viewers to stop and appreciate the hidden details in the landscapes and goals that no longer surround. Mediante técnicas como la acuarela, la estampación botsnica y la estampación con placas de gelatina, the works of Font Guiteras reveal a fusion of reality and imagination.

Botanical printing and printing with gelatin plates are the technical clave used by the artist, the tails bring to life the details and the textures that define his work. With a selection of about 20 works, the exhibition "Ventanas" will be available at the Espacio Norte de las Facultades de Ciencias y de Biociencias of the UAB from February 5 to March 21 of 2024.

For more information about the techniques used and the works presented, you can visit the website of the artist.