Cristina Narbona and Ramin Jahanbegloo to speak on ecology and Martin L. King

Cristina Nabona i Ramin Jahanbegloo
Ramin Jahanbegloo, Iranian journalist and intellectual, known for his position in favour of democracy, non-violence and the opening of his country towards the West, and Cristina Narbona, former minister for the environment, will speak at the closing session of the master's degree in Business Administration.


On 2 July at 5 p.m. the conference hall of the UAB Graduate School will host the closing session of the master's degree in Business Administration of the institutional programme CITIUS. The session will include conferences by economist Cristina Narbona and pholospher Ramin Jahanbegloo. Narbona will speak on the convergence of economics and the ecology, entitled "Economia i ecologia: la necessària convergència", while Jahanbegloo will speak on "Martin Luther King: Our Contemporary". María José Feijoó, Director of the Graduate School, will present the event while UAB Rector Margarita Arboix will be in charge of closing the event.

Cristina Narbona, President of the PSOE political party and member of the Network of Sustainable Development, obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Rome and has lectured in international economics at the University of Seville. She was member of the Global Sustainability Panel of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Spanish Network of Sustainable Development and the group "Economistas frente a la crisis". Institutionally, she was Minister for the Environment and has also occupied other positions of responsibilities in the Government of Andalucia and other ministries. She was also Spanish ambassador to the OECD and was member of parliament, spokesperson of the PSOE and the Madrid City Council, and member of the Council for Nuclear Security.

Ramin Jahanbegloo is professor of political science at the University of Toronto, with a BA in History and Political Science and a PhD in  Philosophy by the Sorbonne University. He has conducted research at the Institut Français de Recherche en Iran and Head of the Department of COntemporary Studies of the Cultural Research Centre in Tehran. In April 2006, Jahanbegloo was arrested and charged with organising the Velvet Revolution, and was sentenced to four months in solitary confinement. Jahanbegloo was awarded the Peace Prize of the United Nations Association in Spain and is well-known for his views on democracy, peace and the opening of Iran to the West.
The CITIUS Programme provides recent graduates, independently of their degree or university of origin, with the opportunity to gain familiarity with the working procedures of important companies, to join their staff and to thereby become integrated members of the workforce, broadening their university training. The objectives of this master's degree is to provide students with the tools needed to form part of a company and contribute with the skills they already possess in a way that is beneficial to both parts.