Presentation of the new platform to boost innovation Hub b30

presentacio hubb30
On 12 April the UAB, the Parc de Recerca UAB, the Eurecat and the B30 Area Association presented Hub b30, a platform which aims to offer society the technological capacities, scientific knowledge, and talent and training of the UAB Sphere and Eurecat in order to solve the innovation needs and challenges of companies and institutions.


The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Eurecat and the B30 Area Association have created Hub b30 to foster innovation in small and medium-sized companies found in the area. The new platform aims to provide support to companies and institutions in detecting any challenges and needs in improving their competitiveness, and offering the most adequate solution through collaborations and interactions.
In order to present and give more details about this new initiative,  a meeting with firms, research and innovation agents, public administration staff and the public in general was scheduled for Thursday 12 April at the conference hall of the Rectorat building.
The presentation included the participation of Javier Lafuente, Vice Rector for Innovation and Strategic Projects and Director of the Parc de Recerca UAB; Josep Monràs, Mayor of Mollet and President of the B30 Area Association; Ramon Alberich, Vice President for Business Organisations of the B30 Area Association; Xavier López, General Corporate Director and Director of Operations at Eurecat, and Ivan Martínez, Deputy Executive Administrator for Research.
There was also a round table with members of the quadruple helix Sílvia Trabalón, Manager of Sant Cugat Empresarial; Caterina Biscari, Director of the ALBA Synchrotron; Iolanda Repullo, Head of Business Support and Commercial Activities of the Sabadell Town Council, and Jordi Ventura, Pediatric Physiotherapist.
The closing of the event was offered by Gabriel Masfurroll, President of the UAB Social Council.

More information: Registration form for the hubb30 presentation