Over 2,000 international experts in gene and cell therapy meet in Barcelona

Congres ESGCT2019
From 22 to 25 October, over 2,000 researchers and professionals from the field of gene and cell therapy will meet at Barcelona for the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) 27th Annual Congress, organised jointly with the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC). The UAB presides the Local Organising Committee.


Over 2,000 researchers and professionals from the gene and cell therapy field, including academics and representatives of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry, will meet from 22 to 25 October at the Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB). Commissioned by the ESGCT, the annual congress has been organised by the Local Organising Committe (LOC), presided by Professor Fàtima Bosch and formed by different members of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and other Spanish institutions, in collaboration with the Board of Directors of the ESGCT (presided by Dr Hildegard Buning) and the SETGYC (presided by Dr Angel Raya).

The meeting will include the participation of the leading international experts in basic and clinical research in gene and cell therapy, as well as representatives of the sector's leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies and patients' associations. The congress will present the result of the most cutting edge lines of research, while at the same time it will offer activities which will be of great interest to students and young researchers, providing a change for networking and establishing collaborations between participants. It will include over 110 guest speakers, 50 oral presentations by young researchers and over 700 posters. Moreover, on monday, before commencing the congress, there has been a Symposium on Trade, an Education Session on gene and cell therapy, and a Workshop for patients.

The congress will focus on advancements in fields such as stem cell biology and organoid systems, immune responses, genetic edition, cell reprogramming, and development and manufacturing of vectors. There will also be presentations on the latest advancements in therapies for cancer, metabolic diseases, disorders affecting the central nervous and musculo-skeletal system, and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. These advanced therapies represent a change in paradigm in the therapeutic approach to many diseases and the congress will serve to discuss several regulatory, legal, ethical and accessibility aspects related to these new therapies.

More information on the congress can be found at:

Congress programme: