Four UAB projects receive Innovative Training Networks grants

The UAB received a total of four grants from the Innovative Training Networks (ITN), with the aim of training a new generation of creative and innovative researchers through an international network of public and private research centres.


Of the four ITN grants awarded, one of them is coordinated by the UAB and the other three include the involvement of UAB researchers.

The project BeMAGIC, Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies is coordinated by UAB Department of Physics and ICREA professor Jordi Sort. This interdisciplinary project aims to train young researchers in using magnetoelectric nanomaterials to face the social challenges linked to energy efficiency, data security and health.

The project BIOREMIA, BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications, in which Jordi Sort is a partner, will offer an interdisciplinary programme for 15 PhD sutdents focused on the future development of antibacterial biomaterials and technologies for orthopedic and dental applications. The project aims to provide solutions to infections associated with implants, caused commonly by bacterial aggregation in the form of biofilm, a dangerous problem for patients, the healthcare system and society in general.

Researcher of the UAB Department of Chemistry Rosa Maria Sebastián is partner in the project CCIMC, Coordination chemistry inspires molecular catalysis. This project seeks to reduce the lack of PhD training in molecular catalysis at European level. Its aim is to push back the frontiers of knowledge of design of ligands, coordination chemistry, precatalysis development, implementation of catalytic processes, while at the same time offering training in personal and professional skills needed to prepare a new geneeration of young researchers capable of facing the economic and social challenges posed by the chemical industry.

The fourth project, INIA, Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches, includes the involvement of UAB Department of Social Psychology professor Marisela Montenegro. The project revolves around the training of 10 researchers who will be working jointly on the development of new knowledge on intersexual people, a sector representing 0.05% to 1.7% of the population and highly discriminated, with their human, social and health rights often overlooked. The training focuses on these rights and the welfare of this community and is based on legal and gender studies, and will be looking at the medical and health sector, sociological aspects, employment, work sociology, political science, cultural studies and psychology.