CERTA starts an innovative demonstration packaging plant for liquid foods

Planta de demostració de la tecnologia UHPH del CERTA-UAB
The Centre for Research in Food Technology (CERTA-UAB) recently began to operate the first pilot and demonstration plant for the packaging of liquid foods treated with ultra high pressure homogenization. The UHPH technology, a result of university research, makes it possible to preserve juices, dairy products, wine and broth at room temperature in a more stable manner and without the need of additives.


This new space is unique given that it is prepared to carry out the entire food elaboration process, including preparation, UHPH treatments and packaging in aseptic conditions. This technology allow sterilising and homogenising liquid products by using continuous ultra high pressure and passing them through an ultra homogenisation valve. The result yields products with a long shelf life without the need for additives which maintain their sensorial and nutritional properites intact.

The new plant will be available to companies from the food industry interested in elaborating their products using UHPH technology and compare it with conventional thermic technologies. It will also serve to conduct characterisation studies and observe the evolution of different indicators during the packaging process.

“The possibility of working on the entire elaboration process, from formulation to packaging, represents a vey important innovation in the process. No other demonstration plant like the one at the UAB can be found at any research centre in the world. This plant will guarantee an effective and differential transfer of knowledge to the food companies in our vecinity”, highlights Martín Buffa from CERTA-UAB.

The UHPH technology developed and patented by the UAB is currently licensed by the technology-based company located at the UAB, YPSICON Advanced Technologies S.L. 

The construction of the new demonstration plant was made possible thanks to the support of the Catalan Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 through the Technology Transfer operation 01.02.01 and the European Union.