"We are Cuba"

¡Somos Cuba!

The lobby of the Humanities Library houses a selection of black and white photographs taken by Carme Aldana Carballo during a visit to Cuba.


The lobby of the Humanities Library houses a selection of black and white photographs taken by Carmen Aldana Carballo during a visit to Cuba.

"While it is true that when I arrived in Cuba, my photographic expectations were full of light and color, music and rhythm ... when I arrived in Havana, when I spoke with the Cubans, when I felt that it was Cuba in all its splendor, The photos were converted, they abandoned color, and as a photographer friend, Jordi Galderic, says -if you want to photograph a person's clothes, photograph them in color; if what you want is to photograph the soul, do it in black and white ... and that's how, unintentionally, Cuba came out in Black and White. "[Excerpted from the presentation text]

The exhibition, provided by AFOCER, Cerdanyola-Ripollet Photo-Cinema Group, can be visited until September 25.

You cannot miss it, we are waiting for you!