Two new databases of law

Tirant Analytics i Tirant Biblioteca Virtual
You can now check the Tirant analytics and Tirant Biblioteca Virtual, two new digital resources in law


The Biblioteca Virtual Tirant is not properly a database; It is rather an online e-book platform with over 4000 titles where you will find all the books published to date by the Tirant lo Blanch publisher in electronic format.

The platform is multidisciplinary, but the law books are the most numerous. Among these, you will find the collections of Civil, Commercial, Tax, Administrative, Criminal and Labor Law. As for the rest, there are books on social sciences, humanities, and other disciplines.

The contracted access is 3 simultaneous users.

Tirant analytics is a database that allows access to jurisprudence through graphical and interactive data representation.

Tirant Analytics allows you to create complex filters by jurisdiction, and to make graphs of analysis of courts and decision trees.

One of the main novelties of this resource is that it allows to obtain a visual representation of the jurisprudence and legislation most cited in the various courts, locating the established jurisprudence and the most applied legislation.