The Viquipedia and the open knowledge

Sessió de formació sobre Viquipèdia
The UAB Library Service has organized a session on Viquipedia in the form of a seminar aimed especially at the teaching and research staff of the faculties of Science, Biosciences, Engineering, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.


The UAB Library Service, in collaboration with the Amical Wikimedia association, is pleased to report the following act:

Viquipedia and open knowledge: Research and education
Thursday, October 3, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Science and Technology Library (Training Rooms, Floor -1)

>> Registration (limited places) <<

Viquipedia has emerged as the digital gateway to knowledge and general dissemination. For this reason, it is an essential tool for the transmission of knowledge generated in the university world. This seminar intends to contextualize the conceptual framework of Viquipedia and Wikimedia projects as a valid pedagogical teaching resource in the scientific field, at the same time that it wants to show its audience its range of possibilities in research, academic publication and dissemination to the general public.

The session is focused on a dual theoretical-practical framework of 3 blocks: a) Collaborative concept of Viquipedia and its interest as a teaching and research resource b) Editing tools and functional and licensing features in their different projects; c) Issues, open debate and first notions of personal practice.

The seminar will be taught by F. Xavier Dengra i Grau, member of Amical Wikimedia. He is a research biotechnologist at the International Atomic Energy Agency and an external assistant in various subjects of the Faculty of Biosciences of the UAB in educational projects. Other members of Amical Wikimedia will also support.

- Preferably bring your own laptop and create an user account before the session in this link.
- The library has 12 laptops and 8 desktop computers.
- A certificate of assistance will be provided to those who request it.
- It is an act carried out within the framework of the regulated institutional agreement between the UAB and Amical Wikimedia.