
Logo de Statista

You can now consult the Statista database!


The UAB Libraries have subscribed to the Statista database for this year 2021.

Statista is an international portal for statistics, sector reports and market research on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,000 sources cited with complete rigor.

Statista collects on the same platform:

  • statistical files
  • sector reports
  • market research
  • forecasts
  • country and city reports
  • company rankings
  • consumer surveys

Other features that you can also find in Statista are infographics on current issues that you can use in your presentations and a specific tool that helps you develop business plans.

In addition, the following training sessions have been organized:

Date: Thursday, February 18th
Time: 15:00 - 16:15 pm
Thursday training registration
Date: Friday, February 19th
Hours: 9:30  - 10:15 am
Friday training registration