Researchers in the Light

foto d'un dibuix de Gabrielle Emilie du Chatelet

The Science and Technology Library hosts the traveling exhibition "Researchers in the light and light technologies" premiered in 2015 for the International Year of Light


The exhibition wants to promote the empowerment of women in science and encourage scientific vocations in the field of light, making visible the work of 12 researchers who have favored the advancement of optical and photonic technologies.

Organized in its day by the Sociedad Española de Óptica and the "Women in Physics" group of the Real Sociedad Española de Física, it has been possible thanks to the mediation of Dr. María Josefa Yzuel, from the UAB Department of Physics, and from Dr. Pascuala García-Martínez, from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia, that the Library can hang the exhibition in the General Room and until March 31.

We invite you to a photographic tour.


On the other hand, and also related to the role of women in science, the doctoral students of the Optics Group of the Physics Department of the UAB, Carla Rodríguez and Mónica Canabal Carbia, have made a video on the situation of female scientists in comparison with his male colleagues that the Library exhibits daily on the lobby screen.

Next Thursday, March 3, at 12 p.m., the presentation ceremony will be held in the Library itself, which you can freely attend.

Come to visit us!

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Reduced inequalities
  • Gender equality