Promoting energy efficiency

Estalvi energètic BCHG
Switching from fluorescent to LEDS at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives


The Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives is progressively changing the lighting, from fluorescent technology with electronic ballasts to LED technology.

In a first phase, in 2018, 931 fluorescent units (located in spaces where the use was more intensive) were changed; in the second phase 399 more units will be replaced, covering this way all the priority areas.

With this step, only in the first phase a saving of € 6,800* has been generated;  therefore, the investment is amortised over a period of less than 2 years.  

The investment has been co-financed between the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archive and the Architecture and Logistics management, along with improvements in the multi-technical maintenance contest of the building.

In 2019 we will continue carrying out actions to make the building more sustainable from an energy point of view. For more information, contact:

You can check the infographic (in Catalan)

*Estimation based on 8 hours per day of lighting operation