Play again? Video game culture

Imatge amb un text que diu: una altra partida? cultura del videjoc

Exhibition at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives 


The Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives starts the academic year with an exhibition dedicated to video games.

Video games are much more than mere entertainment: they are a cultural product, an industry in continuous economic growth, a sector in constant technological innovation, and above all, a mass phenomenon.

Since their birth in the 1950s, they have accompanied several generations of players: from the first arcade machines to the online multiplayer game, through video consoles, 3D and virtual reality, the increasing complexity of graphics and narratives, the improved gameplay...

Its impact goes beyond leisure and reaches areas as diverse as education, art, cinema and advertising, and are the subject of research in psychology, anthropology and sociology.

This exhibition shows a selection of studies that address the history and development of video games, as well as their influence on today's society and mass culture.

Visit the exhibition at the ground floor of the library. You can ask for the list of the displayed materials through the Pregunt@ service. 

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure