
Exposició App PIA
App of the Point of Aerobiological Information (PIA) to make more detailed predictions of pollen levels with the help of citizens


During the month of October and until November 9, the Library of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the  Point of Information on Aerobiology (PIA) of ICTA, announces among its users the Plant * tes application that serves to put on the map the plants that cause allergies. The Plant * tes app is part of the citizen science project 'Urban Flora and Allergies, do you cooperate?' And invites the public to mark the presence of allergenic flora and its phenological stage at each street and plaza level, elements of vital importance for those people who suffer allergies which, with this mobile application, could avoid going through the most risky places.
We encourage you to try the app and become part of the community that does science.
Plant * tes website:
Photographs of the exhibition: