Photographic exhibition "Unsafe" by Núria Bayó at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives

Imatge de tortuga sota l'aigua

Through the photographs of animals that she has taken throughout her travels, Núria Bayó calls for the defense of ecosystems to preserve the harmony of nature and respect all living beings, especially the most defenseless.


Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives hosts the photographic exhibition “Unsafe” by Núria Bayó. You can visit it on the hall of the library from March 1 to March 31, 2023.

From its presentation text:

“We live in a world that is constantly changing. The future is uncertain, natural resources are limited, everything around us seems to be faltering. The survival of all living beings depends on the ability to adapt.

Within all living things, animals are even more vulnerable than humans. In addition to surviving natural predators, they have other problems to solve. Climate change favours natural disasters; the hand of man, the deadliest predator that exists, is responsible. The human being is the main cause of the destruction of natural resources, of habitats, of animal cruelty, of violating their rights and freedoms, of hunting, trapping and domesticating wild animals.

We must work together to preserve ecosystems, improve natural environments, preserve the harmony of nature and respect all living beings, especially the most defenceless. Too many political, economic, industrial interests, too much tourism, too much overcrowding. How far will we go?

The aim of this exhibition is to do my bit to raise awareness that we must respect the animal kingdom to maintain the balance of ecosystems. Let's admire the beauty of species with these photographs from different parts of the world that are just a sample of the many animal species that do not have a guaranteed future.”

Web dossier of the exhibition



This information is related to the following SDG

  • Life on land
  • Life below water
  • Climate action