Open Access seen by ours researchers

Accés Obert. Servei de Biblioteques UAB
Coinciding with the celebration of the International Open Access Week 2018, the Library Service and the Communication and Promotion Area of the UAB have made a video with the objective of promoting open access in the academic and research world.


Researchers from all the thematic research areas of the university (science, medicine, social sciences and humanities), as well as the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer have participated. From their professional experience, they all value open publication and reflect on its current and future impact.

The UAB, to promote open access during the week of October 22 to 28, will host programmed training courses for libraries, a wikimaraton on Cultural Heritage that exists at the UAB, a micro-MOOC through Twitter, and, in addition to the dissemination of this video that explains what open access is.

For more information about open access and the scheduled activities you can consult the Open Access UAB page