"Libraries: planned obsolescence?"

Imatge exposició Biblioteques: obsolescència programada

On the 22nd of April, Dr. Àlex Perálvarez, Coordinator of the UD de Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques, will start the first photographic exhibition displayed in the Àgora space of the UAB Medical Library.


Have you ever thought of a world without libraries?

Spaces, needs and services change, but the spirit of being a gate to information and knowledge does not.

The AFOCER society has created the photographic exhibition “Libraries: planned obsolescence? to expound the libraries evolution throughout time, from the first clay tablets to the creation of knowledge-generation spaces. It will be displayed in the Àgora space of the UAB Medical Library until the 31st of May.

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  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Quality education