Let's rescue our research with the Open Access Escape Room!

Imatge per promocionar l'escape room sobre l'accés obert
On the occasion of the International Open Access Week, UAB libraries have prepared an Escape Room about Open Access. 


The story starts in 2100. All research is published in open access with any cost neither for readers nor for authors. It's an ideal scenary. But unfortunately a villain is trying to take all Autonomous University of Barcelona's research. 

During the game you will have to solve some puzzles to help us to defeat the villain who has blocked all the research of our institution. Therefore, your task will consist in rescuing the research, released it and make it public and free again.

With this activity you will learn the basics of Open Access, its benefits, the different ways to publish in open access, and also which documents you can publish in open access. 

Date: Thursday, October 24th, all day long
Place: Digital Lab of the UAB Open Labs, Sala de Revistes of the Biblioteca d’Humanitats
Registration: Previous registration through the web form is required to be allowed to play. Registration can be done individually or as a team. If you do it as a team, you have to detail the rest of members of your team in the “Observacions” box of the form during your individual enrollment. If you sign up individually you will do the activity with other people who have also booked individually.