"Journalists in cartoons": exhibition at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives

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We explore the relationship between comics and journalism: how have they influenced each other?


The Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives presents the exhibition "Journalists in cartoons", which you can visit from November 30 on the ground floor.

Professor Josep-Manuel Silva, from the Department of Journalism and Communication Studies UAB, has written the introduction:

"The comic, a lexical-pictographic genre that combines images and text, was born in the 19th century, at least in the United States in, with and by the press. Its birth cannot be understood without the explosion of the so-called mass press.

Tintin (the pioneer), Connie (Constance Kurridge, the first woman journalist), Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Repórter Tribulete and so many other characters have worked with more or less intensity as comic journalists.

Besides, well-known flesh-and-blood journalists such as Joe Sacco or Art Spiegelman have used comics to make journalistic reports or explain our recent past.

From these two perspectives, the comic, the bande dessinée in its French-speaking denomination, has not only not lost interest, but is still more alive than ever during the 21st century.

For this reason, the Library has considered it appropriate to organize an exhibition of the most relevant comics related to journalism that are part of its catalogue.

This exhibition includes, on the one hand, comics in which journalists - whether real or fictitious - have a main role and, on the other hand, a selection of journalistic reports in the form of comics."

You can ask for the list of the displayed materials through the Pregunt@ service.  


Acknowledgments and credits

The Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives wishes to thank Professor Josep-Manuel Silva for his collaboration in the design of the exhibition, the selection of documents and the presentation text. It also thanks the Humanities Library for the loan of some of the books on display.

The poster and the graphic image of the exhibition have been made by Sergi Calvet Renedo.

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