Infla't de Ciència!, season 5

noia mirant un mapa

New reading prescription campaign at the Science and Technology Library to promote access to the collection on popular science.


Popular science does not care if you choose the sea or the mountains.
Or if you go to the other side of the world or just stay in the neighboring town.

She also doesn't care much if she has to stay home.
The only thing that is very clear is that, wherever you are, she wants to accompany you.
In the library lobby you have a map to choose the perfect place for your vacation. A place where you can stop and breathe, relax and, above all, read.

The campaign Infla't de Ciència! reaches its fifth season, with a very special opening offer: the UAB Libraries bag to the first people who take readings from the ‘Ciència per llegir’ section.

We hope that this initiative of the Science and Technology Library will encourage you to dive into science and read with us.

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education