Help us to create the Library of the future

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The contributions of our users to the question: how do you imagine your ideal UAB Library?


The UAB libraries are working on the preparation of the new Library Service Plan 2019-2022, framed in the "Strategic Plan 2018-2030" of the UAB, which will be published this year.

During the month of October and December we opened a web form to collect your contributions, so your opinion are very important to offer a quality service. In parallel, you could also give your opinion through the surveys given in the training courses.

You would like:

  • to have more bibliographic funds, especially e-resources.
  • to improve the spaces.
  • to improve Search Engine.
  • to improve the reprography service.
  • to have more free software and more (and better) computers.
  • to acces for more specific training courses.
Thank you for your feedback.

We are sure that you have a lot to say,  so we invite you to participate in the focus groups that we are organizing in the UAB libraries. If you want to participate, contact with your library.

Thank you very much for your participation!