Edit the Science: Next Door Publishers

Editar la Ciència: Next Door Publishers

In this fourth edition of the 'Edit Science' project, the Science and Technology Library exhibits a selection of new releases from the Next Door Publishers, ideal for anyone interested in popular science


The Editar la Ciència project of the Science and Technology Library arose in 2020 from our interest in science, and in how to spread it. Created for those publishers who opt for quality content when making their books, being rigorous with scientific editing and thinking, above all, about the final reader.

And in its fourth edition, throughout the month of November, in the BCT lobby you can enjoy a careful selection of new products from Next Door Publishers, one of the best popular science publishers in Spain.

At Next Door Publishers they are committed to a «Vanguard science against misinformation», and they want to excite the reader and induce them to observe reality in a more reflective way. Hence his maxim: All you need is science!

Visit the exhibition in one click!

The previous editions of the Editar la Ciència project had the participation of the following publishers:

  • Errata naturae, focused on nature, ecology and the fight against climate change (April and May, 2022)
  • Lynx Edicions, specialized in the publication of ornithology and nature works (November, 2021)
  • Eila Editores, and its collection "Biografías de mujeres", in which each biography presents the life and work of outstanding women in different areas of knowledge and, in many cases, unknown (February-March, 2020)


This information is related to the following SDG

  • Quality education