E-Books: your access guide the acquisition

Llibres a prova 2020

In 2020 we have over 50.000 e-books available



For some years now, the UAB Library Service has been launching a new e-book selection system that consists of buying the books that users consult the most during the year. In 2019 we bought 52.87% of the books consulted, that is, more than 5,000 books!

The agreements we have with three of the most important academic publishing houses: Elsevier, Springer and Wiley allow us to continue to offer more than 50,000 trial books by 2020. As a novelty this year, you can consult them from a specific platform https://mirades.uab.cat/ebs/. Like other years, you can also find them through the catalog.

The books are available in pdf and can be downloaded completely or by chapters.
Check and decide which books we buy in 2020!