Antiquity and gender


This exhibition aims to show aspects related to gender, its study from the academic world and gender studies, as applied to ancient cultures.


Gender is often defined as a social creation, where the collective representations of society interpreted how to be socially a man or a woman. Gender seeks to show that social differences between men and women are not immutable, neither universal nor objective, so they can be combined and changed. Gender studies promote a change in disciplinary culture that ends sexist and heterosexist biases.

The aim of this exhibition is to show aspects related to gender, its study from academia and gender studies, in application to ancient cultures.

This exhibition is made under the framework of the research group on the History of Conflict in Antiquity of the Department of Sciences of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The exhibition is structured in two large blocks: the first shows the course of gender studies and examples of how they have been applied to ancient history; the second block, divided by theme, includes five sections showing the influence of gender within these aspects of the ancient world. Each section shows a selection of monographs that work on four different chronologies and cultures: Middle East (ca. IV millennium - IV ane), Egypt (ca. III millennium ane - s. I ane), Greece (ca. VIII ane - s. II ane), Roma (ca. VIII ane - VII ne). Topics such as sexuality, conflict, religion, the domestic sphere - work and legislation.

You cannot miss it, we are waiting for you!

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Gender equality