Workshop "Towards a New European Social Contract - Exploring the Dimensions of Sustainability, Citizenship, and Development"


The Global Intel Research Group (Faculty of Law) organizes the conference "Towards a New European Social Contract - Exploring the Dimensions of Sustainability, Citizenship, and Development" which will take place on February 9th, 2024, from 9:00h to 16:30h.


The European Union is facing unprecedented social, economic, and environmental challenges in the 21st century. How can we foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among the diverse peoples of Europe? How can we ensure a fair and sustainable development for present and future generations? How can we address the causes and consequences of climate migration within and beyond the EU borders?

These are some of the questions that will be explored in the conference on challenges and opportunities for the elaboration of a European social contract, organized by the reseach group GLOBAL INTEL within the Department of Public Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The conference will take place on 9 February 2024 at the Faculty of Law of the UAB.

  • Session 1: The concept of an inhabitant of the European Union as an alternative to European citizenship. This session will examine the potential and limitations of the notion of inhabitant as a way of defining the rights and duties of the people living in the EU, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or legal status.
  • Session 2: Sustainable development as a methodology for building a social contract. This session will discuss how the principles and practices of sustainable development can contribute to the creation of a social contract that balances the needs of the environment, the economy, and the society.
  • Session 3: The immediate and future challenges of climate migration for the European Union. This session will analyse the causes, patterns, and impacts of climate migration on the EU and its member states, as well as the possible responses and solutions that the EU can adopt to cope with this phenomenon.

The conference will consist of three sessions, each focusing on a specific aspect of the European social contract:

Here is the detailed PROGRAMME:

9:30 Welcome
Cristina Blasi Casagran, Coordinator of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group
Susana Beltran, Vice dean of the Law Faculty, member of the GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

9:35 Introduction
Antoni Abat Ninet, EXPRESS2 Project Coordinator and member of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

Session 1: The concepts of inhabitant of the European Union as an alternative to European citizenship – Chaired by Dr Antoni Abat Ninet

9:45 The signatories of the EU social contract. Inhabitant of the European Union as an alternative to European citizenship
Antoni Abat i Ninet, EXPRESS2 Project Coordinator and member of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

10:00 European solutions to the shortcomings of the national citizenship 
Adam Majó Garriga, Director general per a la promoció i defensa dels drets humans (Generalitat de Catalunya)

10:15 The Socioeconomic burden upon the European Union (EU) imposed by the Portuguese Passport Holder from Goa, India.
Moses Pinto, PhD student at the UAB – Faculty of Law

10:30 La vinculación entre la ciudadanía de la Unión y la nacionalidad de un Estado miembro: causas, consecuencias y disfunciones
Milagros Orozco Hermoso. Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Derecho Privado de la UAB (Unidad de Derecho internacional privado)

10:45 Ciudadanía europea y derechos digitales: ¿una nueva seña de identidad?
Susana Beltran, Vice dean of the Law Faculty, member of the GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

11:00 Q&A


Session 2: Sustainable development as a methodology for building a social contract – Chaired by Dr Sebastián Andrés Preller Borquez

11:45 El uso de las narrativas asociadas al desarrollo sostenible como herramienta metodológica para la elaboración de un contrato social
Sebastián Preller Borquez, lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Chile and member of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

12:00 The evolution of Public Participation in the development of sustainable mobility in urban settings: A Bibliometric Analysis (2000-2023)
Bernardo Valente, PhD candidate, Institute for Governance and Public Policy (IGOP) at Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)

12:15 Una reflexión preventivo-punitiva sobre la sostenibilidad para la elaboración de un contrato social europeo
Federica Raffone - Doctoranda en derecho penal en la Universidad de Modena y Reggio Emilia

12:30 Igualdad de género y contratos sociales sostenibles: Una perspectiva histórica desde Italia
Francesca Ricaldi, Doctoranda en la UAB, Facultad de Derecho

12:45 Analyzing the sustainable performance of multilateral organizations facing major crisis: COVID 19 in comparative perspective.
Anna Ayuso Pozo, senior researcher at CIDOB and member of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

13:00 Localized Community Action: Integrating Scientific Models and Municipal Roles in Redefining Citizenship
Razan Ismail, Dr. Carmen Geha, Asociación Kudwa

13:15 Q&A


Session 3: The immediate and future challenges of climate migration for the European Union – Chaired by Dr Cristina Blasi Casagran

14:45 How AI can help us better prepare for climate migration
Dr Cristina Blasi Casagran, Coordinator of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group

15:00 Advancing policy avenues for addressing vulnerabilities by gender in climate change migration and displacement
Francesca Rosignoli, Maria Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellow, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

15:15 Coping with climate exodus. EU responses to climate migration-based on the EU social contract
Jorge Piñera Álvarez, PhD Candidate, UAB & EuroMeSCo Research Officer, IEMed

15:30 Climate change and human mobility. Would the European climate visa save the day?
Beatriz Felipe Pérez, Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and CICrA Justicia Ambiental

15:45 La tensa relación entre sociedad y naturaleza en un pacto social para la transición ecológica: lecciones de los procesos constitucionales de Chile, 2016-2023
Ezio Costa Cordella, Profesor de Derecho Ambiental, Universidad de Chile. Investigador Visitante, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

16:00 Q&A

16:15 Conclusions and final words
Sebastián Preller Borquez, Universidad Autónoma de Chile and member of GLOBAL INTEL Research Group


If you wish to attend, you can register here: REGISTRATION FORM (Deadline: 31 January 2024).

The conference is free of cost and will be held in English and Spanish. It includes lunch and coffee breaks.