The Faculty of Law receives the Union of Women Judges of the Republic of Tajikistan

Unió Dones Tajiskistan

Last Thursday 15 a meeting took place between seven members of the Union of Women Judges of the Republic of Tajikistan and part of the faculty of the Faculty of Law.


In the context of the women's public and political participation project of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe (POID), seven members of the Union of Women Judges of the Republic of Tajikistan visited Spain with the aim of learning from the best practices of their counterparts to improve women's and girls' access to justice, increase gender sensitivity in cases of violence against girls and women, eliminate gender stereotypes in judicial proceedings and protect children's rights, among other issues.

On Thursday, June 15, they visited the Faculty of Law to hold a meeting in which the delegation of the Union of Women Judges participated:

  • Mavjuda Pulodi, President of the Union of Women Judges of the Supreme Court;
  • Salomat Hakimzoda, Vice President of the Union of Women Judges of the Supreme Court;
  • Rukhshona Hakim, Nasiba Jurazoba and Shahlo Vahobzoda, judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Parvina Rajabzoda, Judge of the Economic Court of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In addition, on behalf of the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe, Regina Sokolova, Officer of the National Program on Gender and Democratization, participated.

On the other hand, on behalf of the Faculty, the following were present:

  • Susana Beltrán, Vice-Dean of the Faculty;
  • Noelia Igareda, coordinator of Philosophy of Law and vice-dean for internationalization, mobility and double degrees at the Faculty of Law;
  • María Consuelo Ruiz de la Fuente, Professor of Procedural Law;
  • Gloria Ortega, associate professor of Civil Law;
  • Marta Isern, associate professor, and lawyer;
  • Josep María de Dios, Professor of Private International Law, and organizer of the meeting.