Seminaris artificial intelligence governance: Ethics and law


Durant els mesos de novembre i desembre, se celebrarà la sèrie de seminaris ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GOVERNANCE: ETHICS and LAW, organitzada per l’Institut de Dret i Tecnologia (UAB), l’IIIA-CSIC i Law Tech (La Trobe University, Austràlia). Les sessions tindran
lloc a la Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Dret de la UAB, amb la possibilitat de connectar-se
online (via Teams).


The series of seminars ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GOVERNANCE: ETHICS and LAW will take place during the months of December and Novembers. The seminars have been organized by the Institute of Law of Technology (UAB), the IIIA-CSIC,, and Law Tech (La Trobe University, Australia). Sessions will be held in the Sala de Graus of the UAB Law Faculty, and online (via Teams).

We will hold five sessions, dealing with different aspects related to the role of Artificial Intelligence in legal and political governance from a variety of perspectives and fields of inquiry. Sessions will take place on Wednesday and will last an hour and a half, from 2.30 pm to 4pm (excepting the first one).

Finally, a scientific workshop will be held on Monday December 19 th from 9am to 7pm.
You will find attached a file with the description of the event, the presentation of the first session, the calendar of seminars and the link to join online. We request to those interested in attending the sessions in person to confirm their attendance to