Call for grants related to Law and Technology at the APDCAT

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The APDCAT wants to extend training on data protection in Catalonia, and for this reason has opened the call for the awarding of two scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. Priority will be given to awarding scholarships to a legal profile and a technological profile. The deadline to apply for one of the two scholarships ends on June 10, 2024.


Its object is theoretical and practical training in the doctrine of the Authority, in emerging technologies, the impact of data protection on society and the practical application of data protection in public administrations and companies.

Who are they aimed at?

To people who have graduated in law or computer engineering or equivalent degrees in the four years prior to the date of publication of the call, or who are in a position to do so at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, and who have the level of proficiency in Catalan language (level C1 or equivalent).

In the case of applicants who graduate in the 2023-2024 academic year after the application period has ended, if they are selected as awardees of one of the two scholarships called, they must provide documentation proving that they have passed the degree.

They must also have knowledge of English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Duration and amount

The scholarships last ten months, with a weekly dedication of 30 hours per week.

Each scholarship has an economic endowment of 11,500 euros, which will be distributed proportionally during the months of duration of the scholarship, that is, 1,150 euros per month.

How do I apply for them?

The documents required in point 7.2 of the call for applications must be attached; these include a report of a maximum length of 2,000 words explaining the reasons for applying for the scholarship and a personal reflection on the right to data protection, from a legal and/or technical perspective. They must be submitted compulsorily and exclusively through the  Authority's electronic office.

The deadline to apply for one of the two scholarships ends on June 10, 2024.

More information on this link.