Arxiu de notícies

UAB tour virtual

The UAB presents a virtual tour of its campus

The interlacing of more than 1,000 360º images allows users to view eight kilometres of a virtual tour around the faculties, green areas, public transport, services and artistic heritage of the university.

Margarita Arboix

Margarita Arboix elected Rector of the UAB

The provisional results give the victory to Margarita Arboix, who was elected Rector of the UAB in the elections held on 19 May. Margarita Arboix, professor of Pharmacology, received 60.56% of votes; and Antonio Méndez, professor of Theoretical Physics, 39.44%.

Columnes de la UAB

Opening of the 2015–2016 academic year

The official opening of the 2015–2016 academic year at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will take place at noon on 29 September, in the auditorium (Sala d'Actes) of the Rectorat building. María Josefa Yzuel, emeritus professor in the Department of Physics, will give the opening lecture entitled "The science of light and light-based technologies".